
Cold Rain This Afternoon

Cold rain here this afternoon, current temperature is 36 degrees. After a warm week last week this is a shock. In fact the temperature fell 44 degrees in 24 hours over the weekend. We are forecast for a bit of a warmup later this week. However, like the news of the last week about the mass shooting in Lewiston it came as a sudden reality check. Yes, fall and eventually winter are coming, and Maine is not all that different from other states.

The time is now for the best fall fishing!

Thhis  afternoon s the weather is very much uncomfortable fall in Maine. Raining with a temperature of 48 degrees. Even the dogs do not want to leave their kennel. The forecast though is a whole different story. After tonight clear for the next week or so with most days forecast to be in the 60’s and one over 70. Not at all unpleasant!

Chores sure but some fun as well

Some things are constant. Birds migrating, weather cooling, days getting shorter, certain chores need doing like putting in the winter firewood. All of those are happening or have happened here but added to the list is an annual trip to the North Maine Wood for Argy and I. She enjoys a few days off of the grid while the dogs and I walk through the nearby woods looking for grouse and woodcock.


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