
Bobcat Sightings

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As a guide I am usually the only person of any perceived authority that folks know to contact about their wildlife sightings. In the last few days I have had three interesting bobcat sightings reported to me. First a farmer from Warren reported that a rabbit crossed the lawn with an adult bobcat in hot pursuit one morning last week, the most interesting part of that story was that there were several folks standing in the barn to watch the show. Both critters were still running when last in sight so I have nothing to report on the outcome of the chase.

Quiet on the Salt

Yesterday morning I headed down the Saint George River for a little mackerel fishing. I got down about half way and noticed that there were no other boats out but figured that as I got near Port Clyde there would be at least a few. To my surprise not a one. The lobstermen have tied up their boats because the market price for lobster is less than they can catch them for and of course it is mid week so there is not much recreational boating.

Early Morning Mackerel Mayhem!

I have been down to the mouth of the Saint George several times over the last couple of weeks with clients and almost every time the fishing has been Mackeral are abundant this summeroutstanding. We have caught a bunch of fish (the biggest a couple of pounds) that are very sporty on light tackle. The best part is the scenery, we are fishing among the islands off of the coast and most mornings the air is still.


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