
What have you done lately to support wildlife conservation?

In Maine state government fish and wildlife conservation is supported exclusively by hunting and fishing license fees. A recent effort to secure part of the sales tax to fund natural resources failed and there is no other tax money applied to this important work. So unless you purchase a hunting or fishing license you have not done anything!

Weekend Family Trips

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I am truly fortunate to have clients that I see regularly, not necessarily each year but frequently. Some I get to spend time with every year and I really look forward to seeing them each time. Over the years we develop a close friendship that goes beyond just client guide.

One of those regular families are the Glews from MA, we have been spending time outdoors together for over twenty years (am I really that old?) and now three generations. The 4 year olds meet me at the ramp with big hugs and I get a hug when they leave. Pretty great stuff.


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