
Banking troubles reach all the way down to Maine Guides!

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All of the talk over the last six months or so about the banking system troubles have to be seemed sort of academic to me until the last couple of weeks. Guide services have never been really popular for small business loans and are still not; so no change there. Recent events though have driven the troubles home for me.

Medomak River Canoe Trip

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Maine Outdoors offers a variety of trips and custom adventures. Last week I had an excellent morning on the water on a custom trip. I was asked if I would do a special birthday gift trip for my neighbor Keith one of the owners and winemaker at Sweetgrass Farm. The trip was to be a surprise and on the upper stretch of the Medomak River.

Sight Fishing for Smallmouth Bass

I am often asked when the bass spawn takes place and always have a smart remark for an answer. Something about not being able to see the future very well. This year though the right answer is this coming week. I fished on a local lake this morning and had some very enjoyable smallmouth fishing.


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