Small Business

Registered Maine Guides

Over the years I have worked alongside a number of other guides and during the last couple of seasons I have hired a few to help with large groups or when Maine Outdoors has multiple trips going. Most of them are great folks to work with and understand that the primary goal is for clients to have a good time while being safe. Some of them do not understand that being a guide is actually work and that being successful takes more than a license from the state.

Guide Seminar Online?

Sometimes I have a few odd minutes to fill and am always on the lookout for something fun and useful to do with the time. I was sent a link to a lecture on TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) that I found interesting. So I spent some time checking it out and discovered that the talks can be downloaded as Podcasts and loaded onto my iPod. I had to wait for the Yukon to be repaired yesterday and the casts were a perfect way to fill the hour or so that the repair took.


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