
Hurricane Irene brought several days of cancellations for me. Pretty much as you would expect folks either need to stay put or get home and it was simply unsafe to be on the water for a couple of days. No complaints here at all, it got me to thinking about cancellations I have had over the years. As a licensed Maine Guide I am required by law to show up if I tell you I will meet you, not to mention a strong desire to deliver on any promise I have made. My cancellation policy is very liberal and I think that is the best way to be.

There has been variety of reasons for the cancellations I have had over the years; some for weather, once I was told that my boat was not big enough, been forgotten a couple of times, once was met by the local ambulance squad at the boat launch and told that they would not allow me on the water that afternoon. I can understand all of those but simply not showing up at the appointed time is hard for me to understand and it happens a couple of times every summer, usually during the middle two weeks of August.

I suppose that since I take over a hundred reservations a summer and only have a few no shows I am doing very well. This week I plan to enjoy getting caught up at my desk and do a little fishing on my own in between guiding at least two days. Hope that everyone weathered the storm (no power here at the moment) and will be back to normal soon.

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