Curious Moose

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Spending time in the North Maine Woods usually means that you see a few moose when you are travelling around. This year I seemed to see more than usual some when I needed them most for clients to see and one that was most unusual.young moose in the road


I was guiding a single hunter and working the edge of an abandoned road that stretches for a couple of miles. The grouse and woodcock hunting has been very good along this stretch so I was looking forward to the morning. I had Mae the pointer out and she was working along the edges of the road. On one of her trips into the woods a moose calf came into the road about 10 yards away and proceeded to walk slowly away from us. Mae came down into the road on almost the same path and stood in the road watching the moose saunter away.

Not wanting her to chase the calf I called her and we switched directions for a few minutes to give the moose time to head off on his day. When we started back up the road he was still walking slowly. Mae was no longer curious and went back to work. So there we were a young moose, a working pointer, a hunter and a guide all in sort of a parade far from any crowd.

This went on for maybe fifteen minutes before the moose decided that he was better off down in the woods somewhere else. I assume that as a calf he had just been driven off by the cow and is figuring out life in the wide world on his own.

Oh and by the way there were lots of birds, we had a great morning on that road and not one bird was harmed by the hunter.

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