Wet for August

We have gotten into a very wet weather pattern for August. We are having showers or thunderstorms on a regular basis. Not our usual bone dry August, in fact it seems amazing that only a month ago we were watering the garden almost every day and talking about how  dry it was getting.  This is after all New England and if you don’t like the weather just wait a minute and it will change.

We have been fortunate and have not had the rainfall amounts that have been falling only a short distance or to our west. Argy and I went to Lewiston last evening and I was amazed to see the Kennebec and many smaller rivers flowing bank full. The St. George has come up about a foot or so in the last week but was still a long way from bank full on yesterday’s canoe trip. We had almost perfect paddling conditions with no wind and blue skies most of the time. Turtles are crowding every log and rock trying to get a little sunshine.

Don Paddling on the Saint George

This picture was taken below White Oak Pond on Saturday. I have been lucky to have only had a few trips cancelled due to weather. We are forecast to have showers for the next few days I hope that my luck holds on that one!

I had hoped to get out and do a little fishing myself this afternoon but a mid day thunderstorm had me rethink my plan. I have taken the opportunity to catch up on some of my desk work while waiting for the storm to pass.

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