Chilly Spring Day

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OK it is April and spring has been officially here for a couple of weeks but you would not know it by spending some time outside today. A stiff northwest wind and morning temperatures in the teens were really not what I had in mind. This afternoon the wind is still blowing and temperatures have only risen to the middle thirties. Not exactly warm even with the spring sunshine and clear skies.

On the upside, robins have started to sing in earnest in the mornings and every bit of open water seems to hold at least a few ducks and geese. In fact I drove home through China (Maine) this afternoon and had to stop to look at a large flock of ring neck ducks diving in the lake near the road. The males in full breeding plumage making them quite a sight to see a great contrast to a few black and white buffleheads diving nearby.

In less than a month I will be back on the water regularly; something that I am really looking forward to.

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