Hurricane Bill Goes By

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I am enjoying a couple of days off this week to rest up and prepare for my next set of trips. Hurricane Bill passed by yesterday. We were concerned because Noah (our oldest son) was riding out the storm in Southwest Harbor aboard the Rachel B Jackson, the schooner he has been working on all summer. The forecast predicted that all would be well and it was. We were able to talk with him on his cell phone throughout the day and except for the excitement in Acadia National Park he passed an uneventful day in calm seas behind Greening Island on a mooring.

Argy and I rode down toward Pemaquid Point at around high tide to watch the seas roll in. We did even get close as traffic was backed up a considerable distance from the point. We turned around and headed up toward Round Pond and stopped at the Rachel Carson tidepool to watch the impressive seas roll in on the rocks. The air was damp with salt spray and the waves made an impressive roar as they thundered in.

We were saddened to hear that some had gotten too close at Thunder Hole and had been swept away by the seas, I suppose it is easy to underestimate how far up a wave might come and how much power tons of water might have. David Patterson a friend of Argy’s took a couple of impressive photos of the seas in Acadia that show just how big the seas were check them out here.

I am on freshwater until Thursday and I expect that the seas will have subsided by the time I head out onto the saltwater again.

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